Tuesday, 8 June 2010

New Style Tribal Back Tattoos

 New Style Tribal Back Tattoos
Now this here is a very complete example of what tribal back tattoos look like when they are completed. And this one is a pretty wild looking one, isn’t it? And is it just the way I am seeing it, or is that tattoo meant to be making a big face? Do you see it? I certainly do. Maybe the face of a warrior. Maybe the face of a dragon. I don’t know, but it sure is a face just the same. Eye, nose, mouth, forehead. They are all there as clear as day to me.
Maybe this is not a warrior face or a dragon. Maybe it is meant to look like one of those warrior masks, the ceremonial style masks I mean. That much I would believe if someone told it to me. Of course I would tend to believe anything I was told about tribal back tattoos because I really don’t know much.

Whatever kind of face it is meant to be forming, this tattoo is a good tattoo and it’s hot. It looks good and it makes this person look good and frankly I am a bit jealous of this person and their ink. It’s time for me to start looking into one of these tribal back tattoos for myself.

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