Wednesday, 27 October 2010

Sexy Tattoo Girl: Where you should place your tattoo?

Where you should place your sexy girl tattooSometimes girls will choose the tattoo is very sexy, but they will put them in the wrong area of the body which reduces the nature of the design section! You'll want to choose the placement of your tattoo designs carefully.

Here are some great places for your sexy tattoos:
Where you should place your sexy girl tattoo
1. Navel. This is a great place for tattoos sexy. Girls have a pierced navel, low rise pants and skirts, and a tattoo would be a big job to step up even more sexy. This is an instant eye catcher and automatically put you in the world "sexy". Consider the design of small to medium as opposed to big. You want to highlight your sexy little smoother, as opposed to trying to shout it loud and excessive.

2. Leg. Wow, clear foot tattoo sexy! This is an area which overlooked a lot of girls who were not initially considered. It's definitely worth consideration and can look very beautiful and unique with open shoes and painted toes.

3. Hips. Another place large sections, especially for low-rider jeans girls or girls bikini as the place will drive most anyone, and many women, wild! There's something about hip tattoo just screams sexy. Two of them, really subtle but once you find it eye catching. It's not too "out there" or risque, a little more unique and flattering.

An important note about the tattoo back: You'll see I've left lower back tattoo. Although many consider this area for the placement of tattoos sexy, girl, it really has "played". Now the day of slang terminology has emerged to back low-fat - "tramp stamp." This is because too many girls jumping on the bandwagon overplayed hip and lower back. Consider other placement options listed section before going to re-design is no longer in style.

[1] Chess McDoogle,

Monday, 25 October 2010

2010 top tattoo quotes, ideas, and word

2010 top tattoo quotes ideas wordAre you looking for latest hottest tattoo design Ideas? Have a look on this article!

The new year just started but it is definitely one of the biggest trends in tattoo design will be said, a tattoo written literature and popular and cool quotes or sayings. There are many different names for this style of tattoo but it is important they all have one major emerging trends in tattoo design and it is the trend of the written word.

Word History of Tattoo

2010 top tattoo quotes ideas wordOf course, the word tattoo is always already there. A tattoo featuring several works of literary art is often less expensive and quite easy to do and therefore it has always been a pretty popular choice. However, those words are usually used as garnish for the main course so to speak. In other words (pun intended) work of graphic art of tattoo designs always take center stage in the past. The only real exception to this rule is a warning or gang-related design. Besides these two words usually it's just to convey the meaning of a picture or tattoo designs and the words never really considered the design itself.

2010 top tattoo quotes ideas wordHowever, for two or more years have really changed and now literary tattoos featuring fancy script, and cursive writing fonts are beautifully adorned the main part of the design. Some people may choose to provide written word or design some artwork to go with it but it is only intended to enhance the overall design. It seems people these days fascinated with logos, words, words and lyrics of songs in almost any language. Japanese Kanji tattoos, Arabic and Hindi designs and verses in English and Olde say Celtic have all become very popular.

Popular Site For Women

2010 top tattoo quotes ideas wordThis trend has been picked up by men and women alike. Just like many women who get tattoos quote them as men. Some locations are more popular for women to get the design is slightly different from men.

2010 top tattoo quotes ideas wordAnkle - foot canvas is small enough for a tattoo and is therefore suitable for a smaller and funny female tattoo designs such as words. Also they can naturally curves around the ankle to make a bracelet looks beautiful and ornate but one with deep meaning and rich.

Wrist - wrist is pretty much like an ankle right place to design a femeinine smooth and sexy at the same time. So say the words or can easily wrap the wrist. We all saw the mass of now-famous celebrities to get a tattoo below the wrist. Usually one or two words that say that are packed with meaning for people.

Hip - hip is the new tattoo designs lower back. This is a new location for each tattoo designs sexy and so why not but some beautiful writings adorn the slap in the pelvic region.

Rib cage and the Side - this is always a location that is more designed for the serious tattoo fans do as the rib cage can become one of the more painful to get done at a tattoo design. However, today with so many people get a tattoo it would be difficult to come up with original ideas and unique. Thus has lead many women to go with a rib tattoo.

Popular Location For Men

Shoulder - shoulder area has always been one of the most popular places for a tattoo design. It is easily concealed and a great place for a first timer.

Upper Back - A tattoo upper back is a great location because it is a large canvas. It's also a pretty popular place for people to get a tattoo written. Usually people go to design a single word, not a proverb but it's really up to your own taste and what you want done.

Rib Cage - As mentioned above are always areas for fans of hardcore tattoo because a tattoo can be quite painful. However, be sure to give you great bragging rights with your friends when you can sport sleek designs ambigram tattoo on your rib cage area. Good and great to get the full effect. Just remember when you ask your friends that it does not hurt right?

Arm - forearm is one of the more usual but quickly grew to get a tattoo done. Because of people like to get a tattoo is often said to one form of a rectangular lower arm length is perfect for one of the design.

As you can see is only a few locations to get great looking tattoo design quotes. There are lots of words, words and designs out there, so spend the time you look carefully and choose something that will become important and meaningful to you.

[1]  Chris Ryerson,

Friday, 22 October 2010

Miami Ink Tattoos

Miami Ink TattoosThis article reveals  Stories Behind Selecting Great Tattoo Designs.

Miami Ink TattoosMiami Ink is a reality TV show, on the Learning Channel (LTC), filmed on location at South Beach, Miami. It takes you behind the scenes so you can see and experience the real emotion of getting a tattoo and what they mean to the people getting inked. The show exposes tats for what they really are - a means of self expression that have deep significant meanings for the people getting them. Based on the diverse range of people getting inked, it becomes very obvious that it is popular in all corners of society. While some of the clients are experienced and have already got a number of designs, we also get to watch people getting their first body art, and the process they go through as they try to develop an idea into a design.

Miami Ink TattoosThe real beauty of the show is listening to the stories that the people provide behind why they are getting their tattoo and what the particular design means to them. Most of the stories are truly inspiring. The show allows us inside so we can watch from the moment the client enters the parlor through to the completed work of art. We get to live the experience as the client works with an idea to develop a completed design, then watch as they get the artwork and finally show off the end product, stunning body art. It is amazing to watch.

Miami Ink TattoosFor anybody thinking of getting their first tat, the show is a great way to see how others start with an idea and work with that to slowly develop the end result. You get to see the evolution of the design, the thought process behind it and the final product. You also get to see how people select where on your body to locate the body art, a very important decision that you must get right. You get to see first hand how hard it is to get a really good design.

Miami Ink, through TLC, even allows people to apply to be auditioned to go on the show. They require you to have a good idea of what design you want before hand, and which artist you want to be tattooed by, but you could be inked on the show and become a star!

Behind each individual story are the artists that provide continuity from one show to the next - They are Ami James, Chris Garver, Darren Brass, Chris Nunez and apprentice Yojiro Harada. Their different characters are a good mix and you get to see the artists as they work and also play. They provide the entertainment to keep people tuning in the following week, to watch as new clients walk in the door with an idea and watch the idea turn into a stunning tattoo design to be proud of.

[1]  Graeme Wheeler,

Monday, 18 October 2010

what is your tattoo quote?

tattoo quotes
There are millions of quotes is available that can be used as a tattoo. Most of these quotes into the following categories.
tattoo quotes
1 - Strength and Confidence - The strength and confidence quote the most famous tattoo of this type of phrase. If you want to spread out a positive vibration in your life and the people around you, this quote is for you.

2 - Life - Life quotes, as the name suggests, is a quote about life and life problems. They provide important insights about how one should live his life. They provide us with the means to tide through the difficult phase of life. They teach us how to live an authentic and happy. In one line or two, they provide us with the world's wisdom. When using them as a tattoo, make sure that they reflect your life and represent the opinions and views about life.

3 - Love - If you're in love and find some unique ways to express your feelings, love quotes tattoo for you. Over the last few decades, love tattoos phrase is gaining great popularity as a way to express feelings of love. Lovers love to carve the name of their beloved as a tattoo. And you may have seen some celebrity love quotes carved along with the name of their beloved as a tattoo on their body. So, go and express your love by getting tattoos with quote love.

4 - Passion - What is your passion in life? You can be passionate about writing, singing, acting, music, nature, family, friends, community, painting or whatever it is. Get your passion as a tattoo on your body and let the world know what you like?
tattoo quotes
[1] Karan Kapoor,

Tuesday, 12 October 2010

tattoo johnny : celebrity choice

tattoo johnny celebrity choiceWell you all know what this day. It's Wednesday so that means time for another edition of celebrity tattoos. This week I decided to go with Johnny Depp. I've had a crush on him since 21 Jump Street Days and the man seems to be better looking the older he gets. Not to mention that Johnny just nailed the top spot as the highest paid actor in Hollywood right now. Johnny earning $ 50,000,000 pictures now. Well if you are a fan of Johnny Depp you know that he had stopped a little tattoo.
tattoo johnny celebrity choice
Johnny has 14 tattoos, known until recently. The most famous of the 14 possible is Wino Forever tattoo he has on his arm, which is used to read Winona Forever. He also has a full Indian headdress Cherokee under Chief Wino Forever tattoo on his arm. This one is considering its cultural heritage.
tattoo johnny celebrity choice
Johnny also has several tattoos related to his family. He had his daughter Lily Rose's name tattooed on his heart. He has a son Jack's name tattooed his arm with a Sparrow flying over the water on top of that. He also has a tattoo of his mother Betty Sue in the middle of the heart on his bicep. On top of that there is a kind of triangle tattoos. He also has a symbol for her film The Brave tattoo on the inside of his arm.
tattoo johnny celebrity choice
Johnny also had some random tattoos on his body. Like the three rectangles on right index finger and the third between the thumb and index finger on his left hand. Johnny also has a tattoo of a skull and cross bones on the lower right leg that says death is certain and some sort of symbol or something on her right ankle.
tattoo johnny celebrity choice
Johnny explained the rationale behind all the tattoos and why he has so much:

"My body is a journal in a way. It's like what sailors used to do, where every tattoo meant something, a certain time in your life when you make a mark on yourself, whether you do it yourself with a knife or with a professional tattoo artist."

[1]Ashley M Ford,

Monday, 4 October 2010

maori tattoo designs

maori tattoo japanese tattoo design
Japanese tattoos are one of the most favorite tattoo designs, and one of them is what it is called : Moori tattoo design. Have a look further reference !

Maori tattooing called Ta Moko is a tradition which originated from eastern Polynesia and especially typical of almost every other type of tattoo. teacher Maori tattoo designs are also known as tohunga moko - traditional hand used a variety of chisels or Uhi of certain bone fragments from an albatross and etched it into the skin makes a tattoo with a groove in contrast to the smooth finished appearance of the tattoo that the individual has grown to become familiar with. Albatross bone can be hafted to a handle on the side to then slam down the hammer. The tohunga moko-to-implement awheto may be for the body color other than firewood ngarehu more commonly known as a dark black face for your area.
maori tattoo japanese tattoo design

In the legacy of pre-European Maori people most with higher positions obtained Maori tattoo designs and they are not including the one that was observed to have lower social reputation. Maori tattoo designs together with the rites and rituals are experienced as the changeover from childhood to adulthood, will have countless Maori tattoo designs in order to become more attractive to the opposite sex.
maori tattoo japanese tattoo design

In the past, tattoo design is located on the face, buttocks and upper thigh on men as well as additional areas of the lips and chin of a woman then again some women choose to wear it on their thighs and neck are also common with men have recently These look to have them on their stomach and calf.
maori tattoo japanese tattoo design

Maori design consists of a spiral that usually relay messages ancestral / tribal with taking them. Relay this message wearer's family-owned information and ethnic affiliation and social rank and standing. The message will convey that the assessment and understanding people in their social standing.
maori tattoo japanese tattoo design

Many Maori were born and brought up in a small village called ta moko tattoo hapu and will reveal their level of state recognition in their hapu. Signs genealogy on Maori tattoo designs also will detail whether or not an individual is to supply his public office through blood or involvement. Describe whether the person who obtained status above the virtues associated with the heritage and accreditation.

Usually in the 90s there is spike the number of men and women get tattoos depict the revival in Maori language and traditions. Many people who decide general techniques do ta moko with a chisel rather than using a needle is now common.

With the recent uprising of Maori tattoo designs and the number of non-practicing the art of the Maoris in fact, a large number of common local Maoris' have voiced their own thoughts in addition to making their unhappiness known, most of the feeling of actually utilizing certain heritage as well as cultural. A number of Maori tattoo designs has the connotation of a deep intense plus save sacred meanings that can be seen to offend when it is used to draw or reason for the visible.

For individuals who are interested in Maori tattoos and also hope to get one, there are various designs over the internet in the market for your stay you need to verify a specific meaning associated with what you have designed into your skin before going ahead with the idea. In case you are thinking of having a more traditional style of relating to the application of Maori tattoo plus you are the person who can put up with quite a lot of discomfort and also directed up to the old process then it is equally important to recognize the importance of tattoos for each and every line of Maori tattoo designs must be appropriate and should tell the story of a very own and provide certain important and interpretation.

[1]  Reese Williamson,

Sunday, 3 October 2010

Word Tattoos

Getting words inked on is a GREAT idea for ink. They can be straight forward and to the point, or they can be mysterious and symbolic. Here are 3 common word tattoos to consider getting inked:


Names Word TattoosNames Word Tattoos

This word tattoo refers to someone who you want to represent by name. It could be a loved one, someone whom you admire or are a fan of; a pet, girlfriend, husband or wife and much more. It could be more general as well such as the common "mother" tattoo.

Examples of name tattoos: "mother", "ozzy", "jesus", "Frank", "Marge".


Sayings Word TattoosSayings Word Tattoos

This word tattoo is very popular. It involves taking a saying of some sort (an inspirational quote, a humorous line, or just a one or two words representing something) and getting it inked on as a tattoo. These tattoo sayings can be very powerful as they convey a direct message.

Examples of tattoo sayings: "born to lose", "strength", "live free or die", "believe in yourself".


Lettering Word TattoosLettering Word Tattoos

These tattoos focus on lettering and usually are large with just one or two letters which represent something, like a place or someone's initials, or the initials representing something. Though they can be longer as well. Lettering ink focuses on a rather elaborate type of font. Each letter stands alone as a solid work of tattoo art. Whereas some of the other tattoos mentioned will often be accompanied by separate designs, lettering ink can hold it's own without any other design needed.

Article by: Chess McDoogle

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tattoo memorial

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